Welcome to Tech Stuff and Two Wheels, a site dedicated to tech, new, old and sometimes “vintage”, computer related stuff which is mainly based around Linux and data privacy for individuals and, of course, the two wheeled side of the title, motorcycles. Occasionally,

So, Feel free to browse the site. The majority of articles are original work, but any information from other sites will be credited back to their author(s) and their site. All information on this site is published under the “Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike” licence meaning that information from here can be republished and shared elsewhere for non-commercial purposes provided credit is given to the source and you distribute modified works under the same conditions.

If you find the information on this site helpful, informative or entertaining in any way, please consider donating to my site via PayPal, Bitcoin or Etherium via the donations page. 50% of donations will donated to the Asperger’s Syndrome charity Aspie.org.uk or the Post Traumatic Stress charity ptsduk.org

Tech Stuff and Two Wheels © 2022 by Julian Bagwell is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0